
Top Tweets
Bottled water threatens health and the environment, experts say
Political debate over U.S. Steel sale ignores public health and environmental risks
Why Microsoft's move to reopen Three Mile Island reactor to meet AI's energy demands is concerning
U.S. government backs Michigan nuclear plant restart to meet energy demand
coal energy pollution ireland

Extra testing for coal products in towns after high pollution despite ban

Testing of coal products will be ramped up after high sulphur levels were recorded in certain towns around Ireland despite a nationwide ban on smoky fuels, Eamon Ryan has said.

Saskatchewan family fights Imperial Oil over land contamination

Saskatchewan family fights Imperial Oil over land contamination

The Browns walked into a bank for routine financing. They walked away with a shocking land assessment, no business and little hope of selling their property.

A toxic crisis in America’s coal country

A toxic crisis in America’s coal country

Families in West Virginia say the coal mines have poisoned their water. Now they're fighting back.