sumatra indonesia

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Congress passed funding bill without disaster aid despite looming hurricane
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Coronavirus puts captive orangutans' return to the wild on hold

Coronavirus puts captive orangutans' return to the wild on hold

If one ape in the forest is infected, a whole population could be wiped out, experts say. So orangutans in Indonesia’s rehabilitation centers are staying where they are.
Using old cellphones to listen for illegal loggers

Using old cellphones to listen for illegal loggers

Indonesian villagers are trying out a treetop surveillance system that uses recycled phones and artificial intelligence software to detect chain saws.
One casualty of the palm oil industry: An orangutan mother, shot 74 times

One casualty of the palm oil industry: An orangutan mother, shot 74 times

Indonesia has promised to stop clearing jungle for plantations. So why are endangered apes still on the front lines of the conservation battle?