uc berkeley
The landmark environmental law inside a NIMBY firestorm
How different wetlands fight climate change
Wetlands are particularly good at carbon sequestration. One reason is because wetlands are inundated most of the time, so the carbon stored is underwater where there is no oxygen and therefore preserved for longer than it would be if it were exposed to the atmosphere.
What Yosemite looks like in 2100 with climate change
How is climate change affecting some of the park’s premier attractions — for instance, the firefall event? And how will climate change impact the environments within the park, the creatures who live there and the visitor experience? Will it eventually strip Yosemite of its awe-inspiring beauty?
Sea level rise could threaten hundreds of toxic sites in California
Predominately Black and brown communities are five times more likely than the general population to live within half a mile of a toxic site that could flood by 2050.
Is BART prepared for the catastrophic weather events climate change will bring?
In the San Francisco Bay Area, experts predict climate change will be felt far and wide with hotter temperatures, fiercer wildfires and more intense droughts than in previous years.
Climate change a top presidential issue for California Democrats
To fight climate change, car-loving California must overhaul transportation. Can it?
Emissions from transportation are going up, not down in California, a sign that cleaner and more fuel-efficient cars have been unable to overcome population growth, a growing economy and suburban sprawl.