water testing

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New Orleans drinking water testing

Tapped Out: New Orleans drinking water testing procedures don’t follow gov’t regulations

Data analysis shows Sewerage and Water Board employees have apparently falsified New Orleans water testing records filed with the state.
 citizen scientists protecting BC watershed

In B.C.’s Skeena watershed, citizen scientists help ‘protect what they love’

From a 12-year-old collecting water quality data in his backyard to conservation organizations advocating for better access to information, people in the Skeena watershed are working to fill gaps in our collective knowledge of one of B.C.'s largest salmon watersheds.

Clean water wanted: Contaminated wells and the legacy of fossil fuel extraction

Clean water wanted: Contaminated wells and the legacy of fossil fuel extraction

Their well is poisoned and a family patriarch is dead. The Easterling family wants clean water and answers to questions about local coal and gas extraction.