western u s

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carbon capture
Amid LNG’s Gulf Coast expansion, community hopes to stand in its way
GOP convention ignores climate change as heat crisis worsens
climate drought dry earth

Climate change and droughts: What’s the connection?

Because of the West’s largely semi-arid and desert climates, droughts are natural occurrences across the region. However, regional climate isn’t the only culprit in drought activity.

water drought u.s. west climate
Photo by Zetong Li on Unsplash

Drought ends in half the U.S. West after huge snow year

A continued slow melt helps reduce danger of flooding and delays the onset of the worst wildfire danger in the region.
fungal infections climate impacts
Photo by Oz Seyrek on Unsplash

Fungal infections: How climate change is advancing cases of Valley fever

Researchers estimate that by 2095, the parts of the US where people will be most susceptible to Valley fever will more than double, the risk encroaching to envelop almost the entire Western half of the country.

colorado river climate drought justice

Dwindling Colorado River could trigger water war between states

Diminished by climate change and overuse, the river can no longer provide the water states try to take from it.
bighorn sheep rocks
Photo by Leslie Cross on Unsplash

As climate changes make desert water scarce, the debate over livestock vs. wildlife heats up

Man-made guzzlers are often the only sources of water for bighorn sheep and other endangered animals in Southern California deserts. Now, the unprecedented drought across the West is putting them at risk.
pink snow algal blooms

Pink snow is a red flag for the West’s water

Researchers are trying to understand what drives snow algal blooms and how they could alter water supplies.
The West is losing 1.3 million acres of sagebrush steppe each year

The West is losing 1.3 million acres of sagebrush steppe each year

A new report aims to advance transforming rangeland conservation across 13 states and 115 million acres.