annals of a warming planet

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A group of people march with science advocating for science.
Oil pump jacks and flares with vegetation in foreground.
Images of a chicken and a pig fade into images of piles of pharmaceutical capsules.
An African man and woman pour water on a trough of charcoal and move it around with a stick.
The enormous risk of atmospheric hacking

The enormous risk of atmospheric hacking

Solar geoengineering is the ultimate, break-the-glass response to the climate crisis—and one we should back away from for now.
Amy Coney Barrett should recuse herself in Big Oil’s Supreme Court case

Amy Coney Barrett should recuse herself in Big Oil’s Supreme Court case

The Justice’s father, who was an attorney for Shell for decades, could have direct knowledge of how the company managed climate threats.
global warming climate politics

Our best chance to slow global warming comes in the next nine years

The events of the past few days are shocking in their novelty - the glory of seeing the first Black Democrat ever elected to the Senate from the South, the shame of seeing a President incite a mob to storm the Capitol.

bill mckibben climate opinion

Bill McKibben: Making a planet worth saving

The events of the past few weeks make one wonder: If we’re just going to use solar power instead of coal to run the same sad mess of unfair and ugly oppression, is it really worth it?
climate causes energy big oil

Are we past the peak of Big Oil’s power?

The political power of the fossil-fuel industry has always been the single biggest obstacle to making real progress in the fight against climate change, and it now seems to be weakening.