arabian sea

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arabian sea climate impacts algal bloom

Global warming fuels algal bloom disrupting fisheries in Arabian Sea

A new scientific study published Monday found that global warming is fueling a destructive algal bloom that is disrupting fisheries in the Arabian sea.
World's largest marine dead zone may reach UAE’s shores

World's largest marine dead zone may reach UAE’s shores

Chemical imbalances in the Arabian Gulf caused by rapid warming and excessive use of fertiliser in agriculture could be expanding the world's largest marine dead zone towards the UAE's shores.

Global warming could enlarge world’s largest dead zone

Global warming could enlarge world’s largest dead zone

Climate change is depleting a region in the Arabian Sea of its scarce oxygen supply limiting its replenishment by Arabian Gulf waters.
Expanding 'dead zone' in Arabian Sea raises climate change fears

Expanding 'dead zone' in Arabian Sea raises climate change fears

In the waters of the Arabian Sea, a vast "dead zone" the size of Scotland is expanding and scientists say climate change may be to blame.