australian politics

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U.S. Steel Pennsylvania pollution
Protest sign that says Keep the frack out of my water
ANWR energy development debate
Degrowth's challenge lies in overcoming political and global resistance
conal hanna climate energy australia

Conal Hanna: Voting teal is all very well but curbing our lifestyles to save the planet is crucial

Wealthy Australians – and by global standards that’s most of us – are a significant part of the climate problem and therefore, the solution.

climate adam bandt politics energy

Adam Bandt accuses Albanese government of ‘greenwashing’ for allowing new coal and gas mines

Adam Bandt has accused Labor of “gaslighting” and “greenwashing” for allowing new coal and gas mines to offset emissions in its upgraded safeguards mechanism.

climate politics energy

Climate concern the main reason voters swung to independents at federal election, study finds

Concern about the climate crisis was the No 1 issue that prompted Australians to switch their vote to an independent candidate at this year’s federal election, according to in-depth social research.

climate causes energy politics

Soaring power bills being used as cover for more lies about renewable energy, Labor claims

Climate minister Chris Bowen says opponents of climate action have seized on cost-of-living crisis to resume campaign against clean energy transition.

weather climate change australia

Law governing Bureau of Meteorology must change to reflect climate crisis, says former chief

A former chief executive of the Bureau of Meteorology says the 67-year-old law that underpins Australia’s weather agency needs to be updated to bring it in line with the modern-day climate crisis.

reputex carbon credits emissions climate

Free carbon credits could threaten Australia’s emission reduction targets, Labor’s advisors warn

RepuTex says the safeguard mechanism could hand free credits to big industrial polluters and lock in fossil fuel production.

australia climate energy emissions

Australian parliament passes first climate change legislation in a decade

Australia’s first climate change legislation in a decade has passed federal parliament with support from the government, the Greens and key crossbench senators.