boreal forests

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Canada’s boreal forests logging damage
Credit: Angelos @ Ottawa/Flickr

Canada’s boreal forests badly damaged by logging

A study finds that logging has inflicted severe damage to the vast boreal forests in Ontario and Quebec, two of the country’s main commercial logging regions.
Wildfires in northern forests broke carbon emissions records

Wildfires in northern forests broke carbon emissions records in 2021

Boreal forests store huge amounts of carbon, but the warming and drying climate is leading them to burn bigger, hotter and more frequently.

canada lobbied against anti-deforestation bills
Eli Sagor/Flickr

Canada, home to a massive boreal forest, lobbied to limit U.S., EU anti-deforestation bills

Canada's forest industry is a $34-billion business. But as climate change accelerates, many worry about the true cost of logging, including the states of New York and California, which introduced anti-deforestation bills — that provinces and the federal government lobbied against.
boreal forest growth climate

Boreal trees may grow faster due to climate change

Enhanced tree growth could significantly offset carbon emissions, but some researchers say it’s not enough to compete with forest disturbances.
forest body of water lake

Fighting climate change, Indigenous people protect Canadian forests

Canada is looking to its Indigenous communities to help manage its boreal forests, the world’s largest intact forest ecosystem and one if its biggest stores of carbon.
climate change threatens forests

Even without human-driven deforestation, climate change threatens some forests

In a study published in Science, researchers analyzed a set of climate and ecosystem models to predict the risks that climate change poses to forests.

where will Asia get its woody biomass

As biomass burning surges in Japan and South Korea, where will Asia get its wood?

The UK and EU were the primary users of woody biomass for energy. But Japan and South Korea have drastically stepped up their burning of wood pellets — potentially threatening forests, biodiversity, and the climate.