climate change research

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CDC whistleblower Dr. George Luber says agency backed away from using phrase "climate change"

CDC whistleblower Dr. George Luber says agency backed away from using phrase "climate change"

Dr. George Luber, who was head of CDC's climate and health program, tells CBS News the agency walked away from climate change research over fears of antagonizing the White House.

New York City wants to put a climate change 'laboratory on Governors Island

New York City wants to put a climate change 'laboratory on Governors Island

The island, which has an unusual history and considerable real estate potential, could host a complex devoted to climate policy under the plan, which is in its early stages.
Dana Nuccitelli: Millions of times later, 97 percent climate consensus still faces denial

Dana Nuccitelli: Millions of times later, 97 percent climate consensus still faces denial

Just like the argument about whether the Earth is round or flat, the science of climate change is settled, with 97 percent of researchers agreeing that our climate crisis is largely manmade. So why do so many members of the American public think the expert consensus is much lower?

Harold Richardson Redwoods Reserve is going public

Harold Richardson Redwoods Reserve is going public

Researchers are calling the majestic forest the Shangri-la of conservation acquisitions.