co2 pollution

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Wind turbine blades could soon be recyclable
global plastic pollution treaty
Biden's top climate advisor visits China to push for stronger emission cuts
Trump and Vance make misleading claims about Harris's energy policies in swing states
rapidly warming Eastern Mediterranean

The Mediterranean Sea is so hot, it’s forming carbonate crystals

In the rapidly warming Eastern Mediterranean, water stratifies into layers, like a cake. That’s allowing carbon-spewing crystals to form.
carbon emissions as plastic straws

Picture this — your carbon emissions as plastic straws

"Seeing" our family car litter 15 plastic straws out its tailpipe every second on the highway completely changed my understanding of our climate pollution emergency. And then I did the math for my flight.

Take a deep breath, is New Jersey poised to cut back on CO2 pollution?

Take a deep breath, is New Jersey poised to cut back on CO2 pollution?

Lawmakers consider bill that would clamp down on short-term pollutants like methane, but could charge state DEP to restrict CO2 pollution, most of which stems from transportation sector.