fossil fuel influence

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extreme heat & vulnerable populations
Amid LNG’s Gulf Coast expansion, community hopes to stand in its way
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Toxic coal ash complicates Chapel Hill redevelopment plans
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Record oil profits stall renewables
Credit: WildEarth Guardians/Flickr

Record oil profits highlight the long road to renewable energy

Despite global efforts to shift to renewables, U.S. oil producers are raking in record profits thanks to high prices and demand.

Rebecca F. Elliott reports for The New York Times.

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climate change discourse
Credit: Alliance for Excellent Education/Flickr/Photo by Allison Shelley for EDUimages

A new book argues the right way to discuss climate change

A new book by Genevieve Guenther asserts that using fossil fuel industry language undermines climate action.

Kate Yoder reports for Grist.

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GOP climate rollbacks
Credit: Gage Skidmore/Flickr

GOP plans major rollbacks of US climate policies if victorious in elections

A Republican sweep in upcoming elections could mean a dramatic shift in U.S. climate policy, undoing many of Biden’s key environmental initiatives.

Maxine Joselow reports for The Washington Post.

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trump - vance environmental policy
Credit: Gage Skidmore/Flickr

Trump selects climate skeptic J.D. Vance as running mate

Former President Donald Trump has chosen Ohio Senator J.D. Vance, known for his skeptical stance on climate change, as his vice-presidential running mate, raising concerns among environmental advocates.

Timothy Cama reports for E&E News.

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global plastics negotiations
Credit: Ekō/Ben Powless | Survival Media Agency/Flickr

Plastic industry pushes for recycling as a solution to pollution crisis

The petrochemical industry claims to support a global treaty to curb plastic pollution but emphasizes recycling over production caps.

Joseph Winters reports for Grist.

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Plastic pollution reductions
Credit: Sam Felder/Flickr

Plastic Free July needs systemic change, not just consumer action

A recent analysis argues that while Plastic Free July aims to reduce plastic use, significant impact requires action from governments and companies, not just consumers.

Bhavna Middha and Ralph Horne write for The Conversation.

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SCOTUS environmental rollbacks
Credit: Proxima Studio/BigStock Photo ID: 228210421

Conservative judges undermine environmental regulations

Several recent decisions by the U.S. Supreme Court pose significant challenges to the government's ability to combat climate change and pollution for years to come.

Maxine Joselow reports for The Washington Post.

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