good news

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Donald Trump giving a campaign speech.
Facade of the Environmental Protection Agency in Washington, DC
Dome of the Pennsylvania State Capitol building in Harrisburg.
Graphic of a research ship on the ocean with ocean animals swimming below
air quality children's health

London's low-emission zone got kids out of cars and onto their feet

A year after London's clean air zone was enforced, 40% of children began walking or biking to school instead of being driven, according to new research.

Syris Valentine reports for Grist.

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Urban heat forest planting
Credit: Brent Moore/Flickr

Louisville uses trees to tackle urban heat and health disparities

A decade after Louisville became the fastest-growing urban heat island in the US, a groundbreaking study shows that planting trees in underserved areas leads to health improvements by lowering inflammation rates among residents.

Linda Baker reports for Bloomberg.

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Indigenous Amazon land management
Credit: Climate Alliance Org/Flickr/

The Ashaninka’s cultural revival is reshaping the Amazon region

The Ashaninka tribe, once displaced by deforestation and cattle farming, has restored its territory and is now leading efforts to expand its land management strategies across 12 Indigenous territories in the Amazon.

Fabiano Maisonnave and Jorge Saenz report for the Associated Press.

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Controlled burns encourage biodiversity
Credit: Diana Robinson/Flickr

Fire's ancient practice returns to help Nebraska’s wildlife thrive

Conservationists in Nebraska are reviving the ancient practice of controlled burns to restore vital habitats for sandhill cranes and other species.

Brandon Withrow reports for the BBC.

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Motionless wind turbines emerging tech
Credit: YouTube/

Motionless turbines could reduce wind energy’s noise and wildlife impact

A new “motionless” wind energy system, quieter and safer for birds, has been installed on the roof of BMW’s MINI plant in Oxford, offering a scalable, renewable energy solution.

Euronews reports.

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solar farms biodiversity habitat restoration
Credit: Michael Mees/Flickr

Solar farms provide more than clean energy by supporting pollinators

As solar farms expand, some developers are using the land beneath panels to nurture pollinator habitats, but the success of these efforts varies widely.

Catrin Einhorn reports for The New York Times.

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