Politics www.nytimes.com Chesapeake Energy, a fracking pioneer, is reeling The company, which has said it could file for bankruptcy protection, became known for an illegal scheme to suppress the price of oil and gas leases.
Good News Yrjo Koskinen, J. Ari Pandes, Nga Nguyen: Tax breaks funded oil expansion. Now they could bring a low-carbon future Income trusts, once a boost for fossil fuels, can help Canada make its energy shift.
Politics www.cbc.ca What U.S. shale's woes mean for Canada's oil and gas industry The struggles of U.S. shale oil could have implications for the Canadian oil and gas sector, whether it’s on prices or discussions around energy security.
Solutions Athabasca Oil eyes support from Ottawa after banks slash credit facility by 65% Athabasca Oil Corp.'s bankers have cut the oilsands producer's credit by more than half, forcing the company to seek federal aid.
Politics www.nytimes.com Texas oil boomtowns devastated by coronavirus For over a decade, the Permian Basin has been the epicenter of the American oil boom. Now, it’s the epicenter of its demise.
Top Story www.nytimes.com Carrie McKean: This ‘big oil' bust is killing my small town I want us to pursue paths to cleaner, renewable energy. But not like this.
Politics newrepublic.com Does Big Oil need big government to survive? For the first time in a while, Texas is considering curbing oil supply.
Op-ed: “I’m sorry, I can’t hear you” — disabling environments in Cancer Alley and the Ohio River Valley