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Leonard Leo’s group criticizes efforts to educate judges on climate issues
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Wildfires make it harder for forests to regrow as replanting faces major hurdles
climate impacts Vidarbha farmers

India: Climate change pushes debt-ridden farmers to suicide

In central India's Vidarbha region, irregular weather patterns resulting from climate change are causing crops to fail, leaving farmers heavily indebted. So many have resorted to suicide that the region has become known as the "graveyard of farmers."
suicides wildfires firefighters
Photo by Caleb Cook on Unsplash

Shining a light on suicide risk for wildland firefighters

As climate change fuels more severe wildfires that burn through larger swaths of forestland and homes each year, firefighters are facing increasingly unpredictable, catastrophic blazes, leading many to speak out about suicide among their ranks.

As wildland firefighter suicides rise, families and agencies look for answers

As wildland firefighter suicides rise, families and agencies look for answers

Federal wildland firefighting agencies are increasing mental health resources.