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joe biden
Amid LNG’s Gulf Coast expansion, community hopes to stand in its way
Shaprio Pennsylvania carbon capture
fashion industry’s plastic waste
RECLAIM Act to boost coal communities passes House as part of infrastructure bill

RECLAIM Act to boost coal communities passes House as part of infrastructure bill

The House of Representatives Wednesday passed a $1.5 trillion infrastructure bill that includes two provisions that would specifically help coal-reliant communities in the Ohio Valley.
Taming the ‘wild west' of New York's dangerous private trash trucks

Taming the ‘wild west' of New York's dangerous private trash trucks

A sweeping overhaul aims to make commercial garbage pickup safer for pedestrians, workers and the environment.
7 reasons recycling isn't working in New York City

7 reasons recycling isn't working in New York City

New York recycles only about a fifth of its trash, lagging other major cities and slowing its quest to reduce waste and fight climate change.