threats to rainforests

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climate change threatens forests

Even without human-driven deforestation, climate change threatens some forests

In a study published in Science, researchers analyzed a set of climate and ecosystem models to predict the risks that climate change poses to forests.

Foreign capital powers Brazil's meatpackers

Foreign capital powers Brazil's meatpackers and helps deforest the Amazon

Foreign investors, including asset management companies and pension funds, now own large stakes, which means that ordinary citizens in the United States and elsewhere are helping fund Amazon deforestation through their investments.

climate impacts global warming farming food

Climate change could put tropical plant germination at risk: Study

By 2070, rising soil temperatures could cause germination failure in 20% of tropical plants, and reduced rates in more than 50%, with the potential to disrupt and alter tropical ecosystems.
forests climate solutions

Forests are a solution to global warming. They’re also vulnerable to it

Investing in forests to fight climate change seems like a sure bet. Trees absorb carbon dioxide from the atmosphere, pump out oxygen, and live for decades. What could go wrong?

British armed forces supplied by Brazilian meat firm linked to Amazon deforestation, corruption: Report

British armed forces supplied by Brazilian meat firm linked to Amazon deforestation, corruption: Report

The British military sourced beef for ration packs from Brazilian meatpacker JBS despite its history of corruption, poor environmental record and links to human rights abuses.

Toxic river: mining, mercury and murder continue to plague Colombia’s Atrato

Toxic river: mining, mercury and murder continue to plague Colombia’s Atrato

Mercury and cyanide contamination from industrial mining activities make the Atrato the most polluted river in Colombia and a clean-up operation promised back in 2016 has yet to materialize.

Palm oil giant Korindo silences critical report with cease-and-desist letter

Palm oil giant Korindo silences critical report with cease-and-desist letter

Korindo, a major palm oil operator in Indonesia's Papua region, has sent a cease-and-desist letter to delay the publication of a report highlighting its various violations there.