well safety

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PA: DEP reports conventional oil & gas wells had nearly twice the violations of shale gas wells

PA: DEP reports conventional oil & gas wells had nearly twice the violations of shale gas wells

DEP is also said it is exploring new partnerships to address orphan wells, identifying better restoration practices, and developing better ways to manage stormwater on well sites.

Deserted oil wells haunt Los Angeles with toxic fumes and enormous cleanup costs

Deserted oil wells haunt Los Angeles with toxic fumes and enormous cleanup costs

Despite regulatory powers that in some ways are stronger than the state's, LA has been slow and inconsistent in forcing the industry to take responsibility for its leaky legacy, according to a Los Angeles Times/Public Integrity investigation.

Pennsylvania DEP reaches $650,000 settlement with Greene County gas storage field operator for Oil & Gas Act violations

Pennsylvania DEP reaches $650,000 settlement with Greene County gas storage field operator for Oil & Gas Act violations

The Department of Environmental Protection announced it has executed a Consent Order and Agreement with Equitrans Midstream Corporation for violations regarding the operator's Swarts gas storage reservoir.