
The Biden administration has issued new guidelines aimed at accelerating clean energy projects while considering their environmental and community impacts.

Coral Davenport reports for The The New York Times.

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Kentucky Attorney General Russell Coleman has secured additional funding to legally challenge new environmental regulations imposed by the Biden administration, which target fossil fuel emissions and pollution.

Liam Niemeyer reports for the Kentucky Lantern.

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The Goldman Environmental Prize celebrates its 35th year by recognizing seven environmental leaders who have made significant impacts in their regions.

Liz Kimbrough reports for Mongabay.

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Donald Trump's election could lead to a major reversal of current U.S. climate policies, according to his statements on environmental regulations.

Lisa Friedman reports for The New York Times.

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U.S. faces rapid policy changes with each administration, impacting environmental regulations and economic stability.

Coral Davenport reports for The New York Times.

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Scientists emphasize the necessity of including farmers in the EU's proposed nature restoration law to ensure its success, following extensive protests that have threatened the initiative.

Patrick Greenfield reports for The Guardian.

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Former Trump administration officials are likely to return if he wins the upcoming presidential election against Joe Biden, with many expressing interest in rejoining the Interior Department.

Michael Doyle reports for E&E News.

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President Biden has introduced stringent regulations on coal power plants to reduce pollution and transition to cleaner energy sources.

Alex Guillén and Zack Colman report for Politico.

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Delegates meet to reshape the global approach to plastic pollution at the UN treaty talks, highlighting industry influence and warning of greenwashing.

Judith Enck and Pamela Miller write for Fortune.

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Member of the European Parliament Philippe Lamberts warns of the potential collapse of the EU's green deal due to rising far-right influence.

Lisa O'Carroll reports for The Guardian.

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Trudi Warner, a retired social worker and climate activist in England, won a significant legal battle against government lawyers who sought to prosecute her for contempt of court during a jurors' rights protest.

Sandra Laville reports for The Guardian.

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President Biden's new initiative allocates $7 billion to support solar energy in underprivileged areas, aiming to reduce energy costs and emissions.

Syris Valentine reports for Grist.

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Thousands gather in Ottawa to draft a legally-binding treaty aimed at halting the surge of plastic pollution worldwide. Will it protect the environment and human health?

Jennifer McDermott reports for the Associated Press.

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Students at Columbia, Tulane and the University of Virginia have legally challenged their universities' investments in fossil fuels, claiming these are illegal and breach institutional obligations.

Dharna Noor reports for The Guardian.

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Robert Kennedy Jr., historically an environmental advocate, shifts gears in his presidential campaign, blending environmental concerns with anti-establishment rhetoric.

Scott Waldman reports for POLITICO.

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North Dakota has announced a preliminary climate strategy targeting sustainability, though it notably excludes fossil fuel regulation.

Jeff Beach reports for the North Dakota Monitor.

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Indigenous activists at the UN Permanent Forum urge a stop to carbon markets, citing detrimental effects on native communities.

Maria Parazo Rose reports for Grist.

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A new legal perspective raises the possibility of prosecuting oil companies for various types of homicide, excluding first-degree murder, due to their contributions to climate change.

Kate Yoder reports for Grist.

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