
The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency has awarded New Orleans nearly $50 million to install solar panels on low to middle-income homes, advancing climate action and energy independence in the city.

Halle Parker, Ellis Juhlin and Jessica Meszaros report for WWNO and NPR.

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The Paris 2024 Olympics commit to halving the carbon footprint of previous Games through various green initiatives.

Ciaran Varley and Dave Lockwood report for the BBC.

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The Biden administration announced a plan to reduce nitrous oxide emissions from chemical plants, aiming for significant greenhouse gas reductions through cooperation with China.

Phil McKenna reports for Inside Climate News.

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An ambitious climate deal between Israel and Jordan, known as Project Prosperity, has collapsed due to the ongoing conflict between Israel and Hamas.

Saqib Rahim reports for Grist.

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A Washington Post investigation reveals that many carbon credit projects in the Brazilian Amazon illegally use protected public lands and fail to share profits with local communities.

Terrence McCoy, Júlia Ledur and Marina Dias report for The Washington Post.

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Vietnam will allow major factories to purchase electricity from renewable sources, helping them meet climate goals and easing grid pressure.

Aniruddha Ghosal reports for The Associated Press.

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Louisiana’s task force on carbon capture and sequestration (CCS) has yet to submit its findings, five months past the deadline, leaving the public and officials in the dark about the potential impacts of the controversial technology.

Terry L. Jones reports for Floodlight.

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New England is heavily investing in offshore wind energy to reduce its reliance on natural gas and meet future power demands from electrification.

Robert Zullo reports for News From The States.

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Despite the climate emergency, Hollywood films rarely address the issue, focusing instead on pure entertainment.

David Smith reports for The Guardian.

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As climate change intensifies, scientists are exploring geo-engineering as a potential solution, but the approach raises both hope and serious concerns.

Simon King reports for the BBC.

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Vice President Harris, known for her strong environmental stance, might carry forward Biden’s climate policies with significant implications for the U.S.'s climate future.

Joshua Partlow and Brady Dennis report for The Washington Post.

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As the U.S. boosts fossil fuel deals under Trump and Biden, Europe's shift to renewables risks reducing demand for American gas.

Gabriel Gavin and Ben Lefebvre report for POLITICO.

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Federal funding for lithium mining under the Inflation Reduction Act is raising concerns about environmental impacts on water supplies.

Elyse Hauser reports for Floodlight.

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The Biden administration has announced $4.3 billion in funding for community climate projects, aiming to enhance local sustainability efforts and reduce emissions.

Sarah Raza reports for The Washington Post.

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Azerbaijan, hosting the Cop29 summit in November, is asking fossil fuel-producing countries and companies to fund a new initiative to help poorer nations combat climate change.

Fiona Harvey reports for The Guardian.

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The battle between the auto and oil industries intensifies as the Biden administration pushes for cleaner vehicle standards, with automakers leaning toward electric vehicles while the oil industry resists change.

Marianne Lavelle reports for Inside Climate News.

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Businesses in Georgia are striving to meet clean energy targets, but utilities are not keeping pace, hindering progress.

Emily Jones reports for Grist.

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My nightmares about waves started the night our building flooded.

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