air pollutants

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Fossil fuel lobbyists helped push anti-protest laws nationwide
plastic pollution toxics

The world has one big chance to eliminate plastic pollution

For a global plastics treaty to succeed, it will need to tamp down production—and recognize the lives and livelihoods that depend on plastic still.
china steel pollution toxics

China’s steel city Tangshan vows to crack down on pollution after weeks of heavy smog

Officials in China's steelmaking hub have vowed to crack down on illicit emissions after two weeks of heavy smog across northern China.

Fertilizer is fouling the air in California: Study

Fertilizer is fouling the air in California: Study

Due to heavy fertilizer use, California's Central Valley is behind up to 41 percent of the state's emissions of nitrogen oxide—an air pollutant and climate-warming gas

A large proportion of California's nitrogen oxide—which can cause harmful ozone and a variety of health impacts—comes from heavy fertilizer use in the state's Central Valley, according to a new study.

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Overlooked tiny air pollutants can have major climate impact

Overlooked tiny air pollutants can have major climate impact

Study finds once-ignored small aerosol particles can be like steroids for rain clouds, fueling more potent thunderstorms.