amazon environment

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A man and woman in suits shake hands with flags of the United States, USAID and the Environmental Protection. Agency in the background.
California condor with a numbered wing band soaring against a cloud-streaked sky.
A diverse group of protesters holding signs in support of science stand at a barricade.
A Sámi woman in a fur hat feeds a reindeer from a bucket against a snowy mountain backdrop.
brazil amazon environment

Green groups denounce Brazil's 'sham' Amazon tour for foreign diplomats

Environmentalists have criticised a three-day tour of the Amazon that the Brazilian government staged for foreign ambassadors as a "sham" and "media propaganda" after it failed to stop at any environmentally devastated areas.

The price of ‘progress’ in the Amazon

The price of ‘progress’ in the Amazon

Development in the Amazon has brought new homes, new highways and a huge, new dam. It's also brought a new wave of deforestation that could permanently cripple the rain forest.
Amazon to California: Work with us on climate change

Amazon to California: Work with us on climate change

Asking about a product’s source helps curb deforestation, indigenous leaders heading for Jerry Brown’s climate summit say.