amazon illegal deforestation
Agência Senado/Flickr/Commercial use & mods allowed
‘I’ll keep fighting’: Indigenous activist and Goldman winner Alessandra Munduruku
In an interview with Mongabay, Alessandra discusses what the prize means to her, the policy changes in Brazil, and the current crisis in the Munduruku territory.
Manuela d'Ávila/Flickr
Report offers a road map to restore the rule of law in the Brazilian Amazon
When Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva takes office at the start of 2023 as president of Brazil, his third term in the post, he faces the difficult task of making good on his promises to restore environmental protection and root out criminal elements from the Amazon. A new report, titled “Govern to not surrender,” offers […]
Climate Alliance Org/Flickr
Following the impacts of palm oil Alliance: Violated regulations and penalty proceedings
Palm oil production is leaving a deep mark on the rivers and forests of Latin America.
Palácio do Planalto/Flickr
Bolsonaro loses election but finds big support in Amazon Arc of Deforestation
Bolsonaro won in eight of the 10 Brazilian municipalities with the biggest deforestation rates in the Amazon forest last year.
Mongabay probe key as Brazil court rules on palm oil pesticide contamination
A Mongabay investigation into palm oil contamination in the Brazilian Amazon has helped federal prosecutors to obtain a court decision this week to scrutinize the environmental impacts of pesticides used by oil palm plantations on Indigenous communities and the environment in northern Pará state. On Oct. 4, the Federal Circuit Court for the First Region […]
All coked up: The global environmental impacts of cocaine
The planetwide cocaine supply chain — its production, trafficking and consumption — causes deforestation and pollution, and impacts biodiversity, as do other criminal activities associated with illegal drugs.
‘Guardian of the Forest’ ambushed and murdered in Brazilian Amazon
An indigenous Guajajara leader was reported murdered by loggers Friday, adding to rising violence occurring against forest protectors under the Jair Bolsonaro government.