Good NewsBigStock Photo ID: 460474343Copyright: rdonarAvailable for extended license use Can ‘enhanced rock weathering’ help combat climate change? 'Enhanced rock weathering' uses tiny volcanic rocks to capture the greenhouse gas carbon from the atmosphere.
Good Brooklyn scientist tries out ‘rock dust’ to grow better garden and fight carbon pollution Kwesi Joseph’s thesis is simple – crushed basalt rock mixed with soil and compost in this Brooklyn garden will both capture more carbon from the air and also help plants grow bigger, thus increasing the potential yield of fruits and vegetables.
Solutionsplay icon The world’s first “negative emissions” plant has opened in Iceland—turning carbon dioxide into stone Not big enough to do much, but it's a start.Thanks to Texas Tech climate scientist extraordinaire Katharine Hayhoe for pointing this story out on her Facebook Page.As she noted, it's not big enough to do much, but it's a start.Keep reading...Show less