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extreme heat
Amid LNG’s Gulf Coast expansion, community hopes to stand in its way
Wildfire smoke impacts air quality in parts of Canada and western US
uk climate tree species
The little-known world of caterpillars

The little-known world of caterpillars

An entomologist races to find them before they disappear.
caterpillars biodiversity emissions poo
Photo by Timothy Dykes on Unsplash

How are caterpillars and their poo making climate change worse?

Caterpillars are an unrecognised driver of carbon emissions, according to a new study.

Maine's itchy caterpillar plague is making summer worse

Maine's itchy caterpillar plague is making summer worse

Climate change is keeping temperatures higher in the fall, setting up browntail-moth caterpillars to boom in summer. It's a significant health hazard.

What’s wrong with butterflies raised in captivity?

What’s wrong with butterflies raised in captivity?

A study suggests that monarchs bred by enthusiasts were less fit than those that started as caterpillars in the wild.