climate change and extreme weather

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Judges' interpretations of the law significantly impact climate policy
Amid LNG’s Gulf Coast expansion, community hopes to stand in its way
Houston tackles cleanup after Gulf Coast storm damages city
Earth stays above 1.5°C warming for a year
forests climate solutions

Forests are a solution to global warming. They’re also vulnerable to it

Investing in forests to fight climate change seems like a sure bet. Trees absorb carbon dioxide from the atmosphere, pump out oxygen, and live for decades. What could go wrong?

siberia heatwave climate impacts wildfires

Siberia experiences hottest spring on record, fueling wildfires

In April, many parts of Asia, including Siberia, experienced record heat, which led to wildfires in Russia's northernmost region. The fires, which are likely fueled by climate change, could release more carbon dioxide into the air, which generates further warming, experts say.

Extreme snowfall led to reproductive collapse in some Arctic wildlife in 2018

Extreme snowfall led to reproductive collapse in some Arctic wildlife in 2018

Extreme weather events triggered by human-caused climate change are wreaking havoc on Arctic wildlife, a new study has found.

As Cambodia swelters, climate change suspicion falls on deforestation

As Cambodia swelters, climate change suspicion falls on deforestation

As the impacts of climate change become more apparent worldwide, members of the public are connecting more weather events to the phenomenon.

Arctic sea ice extent just hit a record low for early June; worse may come

Arctic sea ice extent just hit a record low for early June; worse may come

Though the trend can still change, Arctic sea ice extent could be on track for a record melt year, impacting the jet stream and bringing more extreme weather to the U.S. and world.
Climate change may make hurricanes and cyclones deadlier, study finds

Climate change may make hurricanes and cyclones deadlier, study finds

Weeks after the deadly cyclone Idai tore through Malawi, Zimbabwe and Mozambique, the human toll is still being tallied.