Politics www.axios.com Booming oil and lower emissions: The decade that blew up energy predictions Projections failed to predict the profound changes in the energy industry.
Resilienceupload.wikimedia.org The rising seas climate change has already locked in. The challenge isn't just how to slow climate change, but how to adapt to a warmer world.
Politics www.axios.com Democrats spur rising worries about climate change The angst isn't exactly shared across political lines.
Politicsupload.wikimedia.org The disconnect over climate and coal Global demand for coal is slated to grow over the next 5 years, despite its impact on global warming.
Newsletter A new UN report says climate change is driving global hunger The number of undernourished people around the globe increased to nearly 821 million in 2017.
Politics www.axios.com Amy Harder: Energy influence groups proliferate under Trump Informal energy coalitions are popping up more under President Trump than they have in the past, according to Washington consultants and new federal lobbying data.
How much Earth has warmed since a NASA scientist's warning 30 years ago Much of what James Hansen told the Senate in 1988 was right.
As Biden prepares to block the sale of U.S. Steel to Nippon Steel, pollution concerns persist in Pennsylvania
A Pennsylvania fracking company with more than 2,000 environmental violations selected for federal environmental justice funding
Op-ed: “I’m sorry, I can’t hear you” — disabling environments in Cancer Alley and the Ohio River Valley