dryland farming
Could this ancient farming technique be a climate solution?
In Brazil’s northeast, family farmers are guardians of creole seeds
Families in northeastern Brazil’s Alto Jequitinhonha region have held out against industrial farming by preserving dozens of traditional seed varieties through generations of family farming.
How to prevent the planet from becoming an uninhabitable desert
Drought-resistant farming catching on in New Mexico
Small coffee farmers lay their chips on smart agriculture to overcome climate crisis in the Cerrado biome
The strategies adopted for more resilient crops include agroforestry, connected landscapes, and water resource management.
B.C.’s Sunshine Coast improvises to survive long-term drought
Farmers, gardeners, brewers and regional managers are banding together in a beautiful partnership to both store and distribute water across the extraordinarily parched coastal region, just north of Vancouver.
Life in the Kettle Basin, the heart of B.C.’s summer drought
For ranchers, farmers and foresters alike, the extreme dry conditions in the Kettle River watershed have forced a reckoning with the region's intensive clearcut logging — and what people across the region can do to remedy decades of human impact to sensitive ecosystems.