
Top Tweets
Protest poster with the words 'you'll die of old age we'll die of climate change.'
An image of the earth surrounded by fire from a gas stove
California firefighters looking out over a smoky ridge toward the ocean.
A rake leaning against a tree in the middle of the forest.
7 reasons Democrats won’t pass a green new deal

7 reasons Democrats won’t pass a green new deal

The task is enormous, and the path is narrow.
Inslee for President? BC’s coastal ally would put climate first

Inslee for President? BC’s coastal ally would put climate first

Washington governor believes global warming could win over America in 2020.

Whitehouse's floor soliloquies chug on. Is anyone listening?

For the 180th time, Sheldon Whitehouse took to the Senate floor this month to warn of the perils of climate change, blasting the fossil fuel industry, corporate greed and the failure of market capitalism to address global warming.

For the 180th time, Sheldon Whitehouse took to the Senate floor this month to warn of the perils of climate change, blasting the fossil fuel industry, corporate greed and the failure of market capitalism to address global warming.

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Florida needs to step up for Maria evacuees, activists urge.

Gov. Rick Scott reiterated Sunday that his administration is mobilizing resources to provide relief on the island and help evacuees coming to Florida.

ORLANDO -- Florida leaders need to step up immediately to prepare for perhaps hundreds of thousands of evacuees from Puerto Rico, Orlando area legislators and progressive activists declared Sunday at a news conference.

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How many big storms before people abandon coastal cities?

For homeowners in flood zones, one big question looms: Rebuild or retreat after another “500-year storm?”

People love living near the coast. Only two of the world's top 10 biggest cities — Mexico City and Sáo Paulo — are not coastal. The rest — Tokyo, Mumbai, New York, Shanghai, Lagos, Los Angeles, Calcutta and Buenos Aires — are. Around half of the world's 7.5 billion people live within 60 miles of a coastline, with about 10 percent of the population living in coastal areas that are less than 10 meters (32 feet) above sea level.

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Climate and energy are becoming focal points in state political races.

The latest example, Minnesota gubernatorial candidate Rebecca Otto has a strong clean energy proposal.

As soon as Donald Trump won the presidential election, people in the US and around the world knew it was terrible news for the environment. Not wanting to believe that he would try to follow through on our worst fears, we held out hope.

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Meet the one EPA employee unafraid to call out Scott Pruitt.

Pruitt is “like a very good attorney not leaving a paper trail.”

These days, Environmental Protection Agency staffers who aren’t in Administrator Scott Pruitt’s inner circle will only speak to the press anonymously for fear of retribution or losing their jobs. Not John O’Grady, who has worked as an environmental scientist in the agency’s Chicago regional office since the first Bush administration. As president of the EPA’s employee union, American Federation of Government Employees Council 238, it is O’Grady’s job to be out in front, often criticizing the administration, in order to defend the jobs of its 9,000 members across the country who can’t afford to speak up so publicly.

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