federal lands
Ronald Woan/Flickr
How Biden got from ‘no more drilling’ to backing a huge project in Alaska
High gas prices, a looming election and fears of a costly legal battle seem to have shifted the political calculus for the president.
James Marvin Phelps/Flickr
John Leshy: Utah wants to disable the law that led to the creation of four of its magnificent National Parks
A lawsuit all but invited by the country’s chief justice threatens one the most consequential authorities granted to presidents by Congress.
Biden prepares actions to cut emissions after signing climate bill
Regulations from the E.P.A. and elsewhere will help the president meet his aggressive climate goals, administration officials say.
Court strikes down ruling that blocked Biden’s oil drilling pause
A moratorium on the auction of oil and gas drilling rights in federal lands and waters was a key campaign pledge in President Biden's plan for climate change.
Lawyer set to defeat Cheney spent career fighting environmental rules
Harriet Hageman, who is challenging Representative Liz Cheney, worked for decades as a lawyer opposing environmentalists and federal regulations of resources in Wyoming.
Climate groups use endangered species act to try to stop drilling
Drawing a direct line from any single source of pollution to the destruction of a species is virtually impossible. Environmentalists want the government to try.
Plastic water bottles to be phased out at national parks
An Interior Department order will end the sale of single-use plastic products at national parks and on other public lands in the United States by 2032.