gene expression

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Devon Ryan: It’s in the genes – there may be hope for pikas hit by climate change, Stanford researchers find

Devon Ryan: It’s in the genes – there may be hope for pikas hit by climate change, Stanford researchers find

As climate change drives mountain-dwelling pikas to higher altitudes, the animals can dial certain genes up or down to make the most of their cooler home's limited oxygen.

Boom and busted.

In trying to untangle a mysterious herring collapse from the aftermath of the Exxon Valdez oil spill, scientists in Prince William Sound are revealing just how resilient—and unpredictable—marine ecosystems can be.

On a cold day in June, Scott Pegau leans toward the passenger window of a Cessna floatplane and peers out at the teal waters of Prince William Sound. The glacier-rimmed pocket of seawater on the southern coast of Alaska is protected from the open ocean by a string of rugged islands. It is both moody and alluring. Clouds dally on the snowy peaks and fray against the forested hillsides. The sea is flat and frigid, except for a single row of waves lapping at the rocky shore.

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Can shellfish adapt to ocean acidification?

Scientists explore the genomes of oysters and clams to help the shellfish industry survive changes in the ocean’s chemistry.

Scientists explore the genomes of oysters and clams to help the shellfish industry survive changes in the ocean’s chemistry

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VIDEO: Were humans to go extinct, should the species be revived?

It's a tough call, but maybe not, according to a panel of five experts who debated "de-extinction" during the annual Isaac Asimov Memorial Debate at the American Museum of Natural History in New York City.

NEW YORK — If humans were to go extinct, would it be ethical to revive the species, to allow us to live once more on this blue planet?

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Gene-silencing spray lets us modify plants without changing DNA.

A single application keeps working for nearly a month, which could allow us to modify plants without actually altering their DNA.

By Michael Le Page

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Sex lives of reptiles could leave them vulnerable to climate change.

Environmental factors such as temperature can trigger sex reversal in reptiles.

We are only just starting to appreciate the full sexual diversity of animals. What we are learning is helping us understand evolution and how animals will cope with a changing world.

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The new Secretary of Health and Human Services is a member of a fringe medical organization. Here’s what that means.

Yesterday, I woke up to the news that President-Elect Donald Trump had chosen Rep. Tom Price (R-GA) as his new Secretary of Health and Human Services.

The new Secretary of Health and Human Services is a member of a fringe medical organization. Here’s what that means.

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