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Tropical forest canopies get hotter than expected, putting wildlife at risk

Tropical forest canopies get hotter than expected, putting wildlife at risk

New research finds that the canopies of tropical forests get significantly hotter than the surrounding air.

Climate change may turn Amazon peatlands from carbon sinks to sources

Climate change may turn Amazon peatlands from carbon sinks to sources

Because they basically consist of lots and lots of plant matter, peatlands sequester lots and lots of carbon. So much so that scientists regard peatlands as one of the most efficient natural carbon sinks on the planet.

Study finds widespread degradation, deforestation in African woodlands

Study finds widespread degradation, deforestation in African woodlands

Deforestation rates in southern Africa's woodlands are five times higher than prior estimates, according to recent research.

Study finds widespread degradation, deforestation in African woodlands

Study finds widespread degradation, deforestation in African woodlands

New research has found that deforestation rates between 2007 and 2010 in the woodlands of southern Africa were five times greater than previously thought.

Tracking the shift of tropical forests from carbon sink to source

Tracking the shift of tropical forests from carbon sink to source

Scientists seeking the tools necessary to tackle climate change need to better understand both the current interplay between carbon and tropical forests and how those forests will respond as temperatures warm.

DRC set to reclassify national parks for oil, open rainforest to logging

DRC set to reclassify national parks for oil, open rainforest to logging

Concern is mounting for the Democratic Republic of Congo's (DRC) vast forests and rich wildlife as logging concessions and licenses to explore for oil in protected areas are prepared ahead of presidential elections later this year.

EU demand siphons illicit timber from Ukraine, investigation finds

EU demand siphons illicit timber from Ukraine, investigation finds

Lax due diligence by European companies is driving the illegal harvest of timber in Ukraine, one of the largest suppliers to the continent, according to a recent report.