Politics Image by JayMantri from Pixabay Green cities: How planting trees became a political project Why green cities might not be the panacea we think they are.
Solutionscommons.wikimedia.org Opinion: Copenhagen's failure casts doubt on other major climate plans The Danish capital reneged on its net zero target after an incinerator failed to secure state aid.
Impactspixabay.com How ‘heat officers’ plan to help cities survive ever-hotter summers Heat-focused officials in these four cities are rolling out warning systems and drawing up green designs to create more heat-resistant metropolises.
Good Newswww.flickr.com 'Ventilation corridors' funnel cool mountain air into steamy Stuttgart With strategically placed channels for air flow, the birthplace of the automobile is using urban design to lower the temperature.
Solutionscommons.wikimedia.org Rachael Lyle: The federal government alone won't save us from climate change In the face of a regressive Supreme Court and a slow-moving Congress, citizens must push states and cities to act.
Impactspixnio.com Mapping cooling climate solutions in cities facing brutal heat records Images and data taken by satellites from space show what works—and what doesn’t—in the fight against deadly heat waves.
Good Newswww.flickr.com How to be a good climate mayor Local policy makers want to fight climate change. The World Health Organization has advice.
As Biden prepares to block the sale of U.S. Steel to Nippon Steel, pollution concerns persist in Pennsylvania
A Pennsylvania fracking company with more than 2,000 environmental violations selected for federal environmental justice funding