green climate fund
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Biden to pledge $500 million to stop deforestation in Brazil
The promise to help Brazil protect the Amazon must be approved by Congress, where Republicans are opposed to foreign climate aid.
Photo by Daesun Kim on Unsplash
UN's Green Climate Fund too scared of risk, finds official review
The UN’s flagship climate fund is struggling to clearly manage risks in its projects, an independent review has found, making it wary of taking on high-impact projects in developing countries.
Bernard Ferguson: Climate change is destroying my country. The rich world must help
Islands like the Bahamas are paying the price for wealthier nations’ emissions — an injustice crying out for a global remedy.
Eve Andrews: Are white people bad for the environment?
The origins of global warming are “rooted in a racism of ‘I know better.’”
This is what Biden’s budget does for the environment
Here's how President Biden plans to address climate change, pollution, and public lands in the greatest detail we've seen so far.
How Biden’s climate ambitions could shift America's global footprint
Serious efforts to address global warming might mean big changes for America’s trade, foreign relations and even defense strategy.
What the world wants from John Kerry
Joe Biden's incoming climate envoy will have to restore confidence among foreign leaders that the U.S. is serious about leading a global effort to cap greenhouse gases.