heat deaths

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Heated policies: contrasting worker protections in California and Florida

Heated policies: contrasting worker protections in California and Florida

California and Florida, both dealing with rising heat-related deaths, have adopted opposing approaches to worker heat protections, reflecting broader political divides.

Blanca Begert and Bruce Ritchie report for POLITICO.

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More tree canopy can protect vulnerable Americans

More tree canopy can stop climate change from killing vulnerable Americans

A small, willfully misunderstood earmark in the Build Back Better Act is in fact a response to a mortal threat.
deforestation indonesia borneo climate
Photo by Hugo Matilla on Unsplash

In a warming world, deforestation turns the heat deadly, Borneo study finds

New research identifies how rising localized temperatures driven by deforestation and global warming are increasing heat-related deaths and creating unsafe working conditions in Indonesia.

Who died in BC’s heat dome?

Who died in BC’s heat dome?

People who were older, living with mental illness and substance use issues, or in poorer neighbourhoods with less green space and trees.