heat island

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Nearby rural land may significantly reduce urban temperatures

Nearby rural land may significantly reduce urban temperatures

A recent study finds that rural areas around cities can lower urban temperatures by nearly 33 degrees Fahrenheit, suggesting a new approach to combating urban heat.

Erin Blakemore reports for The Washington Post.

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cool pavement heat island climate

Reflective pavements tackle urban heat — but also make pedestrians hotter

Cool pavement has been touted as the next big infrastructure fix to combat heat islands. But researchers find that sometimes, it can also make people hotter.
louisville heat island climate
Image by Craig McCourt from Pixabay

Louisville’s plan to combat urban heat could take a century at its current pace

Louisville Metro’s Cool Roof Incentive program and urban tree planting efforts are the city’s best strategies for combating the rapidly growing urban heat island, but they’re not moving fast enough.

urban heat islands climate planning health

How cities are preparing for the ‘silent killer’ of extreme heat

New solutions are being tested to combat health risks from heat waves, particularly in urban “heat islands.”
pennsylvania street trees climate

In Pennsylvania cities, street trees can help cool ever-hotter temps. But they present their own problems to solve

Places like Harrisburg are planting more trees to improve the urban canopy. But if roots of trees buckle a sidewalk, for example, a homeowner is on the hook — which leads some to resist.
urban planning heat island climate

Heat island or greenhouse gases? Which is more to blame for heat?

Is the built environment the real cause of our rising temps? Some of it, but not all, science has found.
Boston ranks 6th for the intensity of its heat islands
Photo by Clifford on Unsplash

Boston ranks 6th for the intensity of its heat islands

In some of Boston’s heat islands, conditions are so oppressive that on the hottest days, residents are more likely to experience heat stroke, asthma, and in some cases, death.