How America's first 'heat officers' are cooling Miami and Los Angeles For the first time, two US cities are treating extreme heat as a crisis -- and dealing with it accordingly. Santiago, Chile, just appointed the world's newest Chief Heat Officer A priority for the new role will be to address the water shortage in a city that’s faced a “megadrought” for more than a decade. How Africa's first heat officer confronts climate change In the capital of Sierra Leone, crowding and poverty complicate efforts to protect a city of 1.2 million from the effects of climate change.
Newsletter World’s first heat officer on tackling equity, rising temps City heat is worse if you're not rich or white. The world's first heat officer wants to change that.
As Biden prepares to block the sale of U.S. Steel to Nippon Steel, pollution concerns persist in Pennsylvania
A Pennsylvania fracking company with more than 2,000 environmental violations selected for federal environmental justice funding