indigenous health

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uranium mine threatens Havasupai water
Credit: Ralph Earlandson/Flickr

A uranium mine threatens the Havasupai Tribe's sole water source

A uranium mine near the Grand Canyon risks contaminating the Havasupai Tribe’s only water source, sparking fears for their health and safety.

Dawn Attride reports for Science.

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mercury contamination illegal mining
Credit: PangaMedia/BigStock Photo ID: 323248420

Hunger for gold means the Amazon has reached 'tipping point' of mercury contamination from illegal mining

The rising value of gold worldwide has amplified illegal mining in the Amazon, where liquid mercury is being dumped in the Amazon River and causing scientists to warn that Indigenous communities and the environment could pay a far greater price.
University of Arizona developing "One Health"

Could ‘One Health’ be the optimal approach for human, animal and environmental health?

The University of Arizona is getting millions in state funding to develop the program. The first task is communicating what it is.

illegal rainforest mining crackdown post-Bolsonaro
Tropical Forest Fires Watch/Flickr/ Credit line: © Priscila Tapajowara / If Not Us Then Who

Driving out the rainforest invaders: crackdown on illegal mining brings hope after Bolsonaro era

Ibama agent Hugo Loss says he and his team have neutralised mining equipment in Operation Xapiri.

Indigenous Colorado River water rights

The forgotten sovereigns of the Colorado River

As the West’s major river dries up, tribes have asserted rights to its water long ignored by state and federal authorities.
Navajo rights to Colorado River water

Navajo Nation is taking on three states and the Federal Government for the right to Colorado River water

The Supreme Court will have to sort through more than 150 years of byzantine rules and regulations to determine the fate—and the future—of a drying West.
Kichwa people fighting Petroecuador
Kate fisher/Flickr

“Sinchiurco is coated with oil”: The Kichwa people going up against Petroecuador

In 1985, a road opened through the Kichwa community of Sinchiruco, in the northern Ecuadorian Amazon. With it came the Guanta 1 oil platform, which would lead to repeated complaints of human and environmental rights violations.