indigenous peoples

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U.S. Steel Pennsylvania pollution
Protest sign that says Keep the frack out of my water
ANWR energy development debate
Degrowth's challenge lies in overcoming political and global resistance
sculpture by hillside

For New Zealand’s Maori communities, climate change is already hurting

Indigenous communities along New Zealand’s long coastline are feeling the double whammy of climate change and colonialism as extreme weather makes marginal land uninhabitable.
maui rebuilding
Photo by Don Stouder on Unsplash

Grieving Maui residents prepare to rebuild but ask: ‘For whom?’

Hawaii’s environment has suffered since its annexation by the US – can rebuilding return the island to an earlier way of life?
Yarimar Bonilla: A legacy of colonialism set the stage for the Maui wildfires

Yarimar Bonilla: A legacy of colonialism set the stage for the Maui wildfires

Forging a sustainable postdisaster future requires a reckoning with the entrenched systems of inequality that set the stage for the tragedy to begin with.
Canada oil industry toxics

‘They’re destroying us’: Indigenous communities fear toxic leaks from Canada oil industry

Recent leaks from oil sands tailings ponds have contaminated water, sowing mistrust among local First Nations people.

amazon gold mining justice
Photo by Daniel Granja on Unsplash

UK company mining gold in Amazon on disputed land

A London-listed company has been mining gold in the Amazon rainforest without approval from the Brazilian land agency or the consent of nearby Indigenous communities, according to an investigation by the Guardian and partners.

Amazônia Real reporting the Amazon
Casa de América/Flickr

‘A different perspective’: the journalist reporting the Amazon through fresh eyes

Elaíze Farias, editor of news outlet Amazônia Real, wants her ‘post-colonial’ journalism to put the voices of marginalised people first