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Collapsed house on a beach after a hurricane.
Scientist holding clear glass beaker.
White and blue solar panels.
Refinery buildings lit up at night and spewing smoke from smokestacks.
climate impacts art

Climate change threatens ancient Sulawesi cave art

A hand-drawn warty pig has adorned a cave wall in southern Sulawesi, Indonesia, for more than 45,500 years. But now, the porcine image is deteriorating thanks to climate change

climate impacts cherry blossoms

Climate change leads to earliest cherry blossoming on record

The famous sakura trees in Kyoto, Japan are blossoming earlier than ever before. Experts blame rising temperatures due to climate change.

global warming crop storage farming

Global warming is making crop storage costly for farmers

Most farmers store their food in spaces that do not require any special equipment. However, with rising global temperatures, these spaces are becoming increasingly delicate.

climate impacts biodiversity

Climate change spells trouble for baby tree swallows

As climate change worsens, spring temperatures come earlier in the year, cueing tree swallows to build their nests sooner. This leaves baby swallows vulnerable as the inevitable cold snap happens.

monarch butterflies deforestation climate change

Monarch butterfly population declines due to climate change and logging

A new report from WWF and Mexico's government shows another huge decline in monarch butterflies in 2020. The reason? Deforestation and climate change.
climate politics

Biden and Harris gear up for a fight to slow climate change

The new president- and VP-elect have great intentions to slow climate change. What will they do first? Can they accomplish their goals?

finland climate stamps

Finnish stamps shine a harsh light on climate change

The Finnish Post wanted to get the memo out about the climate crisis, but instead of using the internet, it went old school with snail mail.