insect infestations

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Collapsed house on a beach after a hurricane.
Scientist holding clear glass beaker.
White and blue solar panels.
Refinery buildings lit up at night and spewing smoke from smokestacks.
Forests in the Amazon, southern Boreal regions, and U.S. west most threatened by climate change

Forests in the Amazon, southern Boreal regions, and U.S. west most threatened by climate change

As climate change increasingly threaten’s the world’s forests, scientists at the University of Utah have developed a new tool that identifies those woodlands that are most imperiled and whose loss would deal the greatest blow to the climate and biodiversity.

death of australia snow gum trees

The sudden death of the snow gums

On the highest peaks and plains of the Australian Alps, snow gums are being decimated by a tiny enemy. Can anything save them from being wiped out?
When there's no heat: 'You need wood, you get wood'

When there's no heat: 'You need wood, you get wood'

Community wood banks, like food banks, help people in need. Climate change is shaping their role.
New beginnings for an ancient forest, one tree at a time

New beginnings for an ancient forest, one tree at a time

Forest workers rush to give slow-growing whitebark pine saplings a head start.
Colorado State Forest Service’s entomologist explains what bugs are threatening Summit County’s forests

Colorado State Forest Service’s entomologist explains what bugs are threatening Summit County’s forests

Spring is here, and returning with it to our forests are creatures great and small.