latin america & the caribbean
Betting on green hydrogen in Chile, a road fraught with obstacles
Chile is in a privileged position in the world to produce green hydrogen and boost the development of the new fuel thanks to the country's optimal conditions for generating solar and wind energy, but the large investment required and the scarcity of water are two of the biggest obstacles to overcome.
Thermal houses keep people warm in Peru's Andean highlands
Thirty families from a rural community more than 4,300 meters above sea level will have warm houses that will protect them from the freezing temperatures that each year cause deaths and diseases among children and older adults.
Chile has medicine against desertification, but does not take it
The retention of rainwater which otherwise is lost at sea could be an excellent medicine against the advance of the desert from northern to central Chile, but there is no political will to take the necessary actions, according to experts and representatives of affected communities.
Toasting to a more sustainable planet with Argentine wine
The region of Cuyo in west-central Argentina is famous for its vineyards. But it is one of the areas in the country hit hardest by the effects of climate change, such as desertification and the melting of mountain top snow.
Argentina’s Patagonia rebels against oil field waste pits
A project to install a huge deposit of oil field waste pits has triggered a crisis in the north of Argentina's southern Patagonia region, and brought the debate on the environmental impact of extractive industries back to the forefront in this Southern Cone country.
Clean energy sources manage to cut electricity bill in Chile
A 75 percent drop in electricity rates, thanks to a quadrupled clean generation capacity, is one of the legacies to be left in Chile by the administration of Michelle Bachelet, who steps down on March 11.