melting glaciers

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Switzerland climate action litigation
Credit: Ashok Boghani/Flickr

‘We have a responsibility’: the older women suing Switzerland to demand climate action

Switzerland’s KlimaSeniorinnen are taking the government to the European court of human rights for doing too little to tackle the climate crisis
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Greenland’s deteriorating northern ice shelves

A major alarm is flashing under Greenland’s ice

Greenland’s northern ice shelves have lost more than a third of their volume since 1978, new research finds.
dangerous environmental tipping points

Can dangerous environmental tipping points be averted?

Solutions need to be implemented before climate, food and water systems are tipped beyond the point of recovery, says a United Nations University report.
Western states losing glaciers

Oregon Cascades, Western states losing glaciers, new analysis finds

An updated inventory shows the area has more than 50 ice patches that no longer qualify as glaciers while several have disappeared entirely.
antarctica ice melt
Photo by 66 north on Unsplash

West Antarctic ice sheet faces ‘unavoidable’ melting, a warning for sea level rise

Regardless of how aggressively humans act to reduce fossil fuel emissions, waters around some of Antarctica’s glaciers are forecast to warm at a pace three times faster than they have in the past, a new study says.
Glacial lakes threaten millions

Glacial lakes threaten millions in a warming world

A Himalayan lake fed by melting ice just released a devastating flood in northern India. Thousands of other unstable lakes are getting bigger every year.
mt. rainier
Photo by Caleb Riston on Unsplash

The forever glaciers of America's West aren't forever anymore

Climate change is melting the ice on Mount Rainier. The environmental effects will be widespread, a Park Service study warned.