northern hemisphere

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climate impacts biodiversity

Climate change likely to slow plant growth in northern hemisphere

While the higher temperatures and CO2 levels associated with climate change currently fuel plant productivity, a study finds that changing conditions could take a toll on photosynthesis rates in regions outside the Arctic within a decade.
climate impacts drought water

Droughts are getting longer and more intense (and humans are to blame)

Over the past 100 years, the probability of longer-lasting more intense dry spells has grown in the Americas, the Mediterranean, western and southern Africa and eastern Asia, the study found.

Encouraging report from UN on ozone restoration

Encouraging report from UN on ozone restoration

Earth's protective ozone layer is finally healing from damage caused by aerosol sprays and coolants, according to a new report from the United Nations.

Trump replacement for Obama climate plan moves forward

Trump replacement for Obama climate plan moves forward

The Trump administration is advancing a proposal that would replace President Barack Obama's principal attempt to cut U.S. greenhouse gas emissions with a new rule expected to go easier on the ailing coal industry.