oklahoma city

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Inhofe's resignation shakes up GOP politics in Oklahoma

Inhofe's resignation shakes up GOP politics in Oklahoma

OKLAHOMA CITY (AP) — The decision by Oklahoma's senior U.S. senator, Jim Inhofe, to step down from the seat he's held for decades is expected to trigger a flurry of political hopefuls jumping into the race to succeed him.
Former Oklahoma City newswoman to challenge Inhofe for U.S. Senate

Former Oklahoma City newswoman to challenge Inhofe for U.S. Senate

"For decades we've had a senator who's more concerned about what's right or left than what's right or wrong," Broyles said in a video announcement.

How long can the fracking spending spree last?

How long can the fracking spending spree last?

After a decade of U.S. oil and gas companies spending beyond their means, a debate is underway in the energy and investment sectors on whether to keep pumping money into oil fields to keep the boom going full-speed. Or with interest rates rising and investors demanding better returns, are fracking firms going to have to live within their cash flows?

The next financial crisis lurks underground

Fueled by debt and years of easy credit, America’s energy boom is on shaky footing.

Scott Pruitt, swamp creature

Scott Pruitt's only tenuous claim to environmental protection concerns a sort of wetland preservation - namely, his immense contributions to the ethical swamp President Trump promised to drain.

Winds ease but deadly wildfires endure in Southwest US

Winds ease but deadly wildfires endure in Southwest US

Frazzled residents in a part of rural northwestern Oklahoma paralyzed by days of wind-whipped wildfires expressed fear a blaze could overrun their home Wednesday, as firefighters battling the deadly fires there and in Colorado, Kansas and New Mexico found some relief at the promise of easing of dangerous weather conditions.