pennsylvania renewable energy

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Pittsburgh Post-Gazette Editorial Board: Solar heats up in Western Pa.

Pittsburgh Post-Gazette Editorial Board: Solar heats up in Western Pa.

State and local governments should streamline this encouraging development, allowing solar panels on sub-prime farmland while continuing to preserve the most fertile farmland for strictly agricultural use.

Legislative action on increasing Pennsylvania’s alternative energy goals appears unlikely

Legislative action on increasing Pennsylvania’s alternative energy goals appears unlikely

Pennsylvania's targets for renewable energy are set to max out this year unless the General Assembly takes action, and Republican leaders seem ready to leave increasing goals for green energy up to the private sector.

Report: Pennsylvania stands to gain 243,000 jobs a year from clean energy investment

Report: Pennsylvania stands to gain 243,000 jobs a year from clean energy investment

The clean-energy jobs that could be created each year over the next decade in Pennsylvania “are jobs across the board,” said Robert Pollin, a professor at the University of Massachusetts Amherst and one of the study’s authors.
New report shows PA lags behind in renewable energy development, despite national growth

New report shows PA lags behind in renewable energy development, despite national growth

The PennEnvironment Research & Policy Center has issued a new report saying Pennsylvania ranks 35th in the nation for percentage of solar and wind in the state's electricity mix and 22nd for growth in solar energy production since 2010.