Southern Spain's green-belt project aims to stave off impending desertification
The ambitious green-belt project aims to create a series of contiguous forests that would run for hundreds of miles across Spain's southern region — but it may take decades.
A global push for racial justice in the climate movement
Today's global Black Lives Matter protests have amplified calls for institutions of all kinds — including environmental groups — to challenge and dismantle chronic systemic racism.
Food waste increases during the pandemic - making an old problem worse
Long before COVID-19 disruptions forced dairy farmers to dump millions of gallons of milk into fields and farmers to plow under fields of vegetables, a third of all food produced globally was going to waste, with huge consequences for world hunger and the climate.
Climate change and melted ice reveal lost Viking mountain pass
Since 2011, a mountain pass in central Norway has seen unusually warm summers linked to climate change. The melt has revealed an unexpected treasure trove of more than 1,000 remarkably preserved artifacts.
Rise of the Koch empire and how it has shaped America
In 2020, the courts will continue to be a player in climate change
Citizens, nonprofit organizations and governments around the world are increasingly turning to the courts in their search for environmental accountability.
Top US leadership is 'missing ingredient' in climate change action
Donald Trump announced a planned withdrawal from the Paris climate accords two years ago, but states and local governments haven't all followed suit. What impact has US policy whiplash had on the climate two years later?