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joe biden
Amid LNG’s Gulf Coast expansion, community hopes to stand in its way
Shaprio Pennsylvania carbon capture
fashion industry’s plastic waste
investor group fossil fuel energy climate

Investors with $39 trillion urge government to plan fossil fuel phase out

Investors managing $39 trillion have called on governments to raise their climate ambition, including setting plans to phase out fossil fuel use and forcing companies to set out science-based transition plans.
joe biden climate politics epa
Photo by Markus Spiske on Unsplash

Biden restores climate change page to EPA website, reversing Trump

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency restored a page containing key climate change information to its public website on Thursday, four years after the Trump administration had removed it as part of a strategy to downplay global warming threats.
labor unions pipelines energy politics

Once united in support of Biden, environmentalists and unions clash over pipelines

Environmentalists and labor unions that threw their support behind U.S. President Joseph Biden now find themselves on the opposite sides of a battle over the construction of big pipeline projects between Canada and the United States.

fossil fuels energy climate

IEA launches global group to tackle fallout from energy transition

The International Energy Agency is launching a global commission to address the impact on employment and society from the transition to renewable energy from fossil fuels.

exxon mobil energy emissions
Photo by Justin C on Unsplash

Exxon, under investor pressure, discloses emissions from burning its fuels

Exxon Mobil Corp, under increasing pressure from investors and climate change activists, reported for the first time the emissions that result when customers use its products such as gasoline and jet fuel.
joe biden energy climate subsidies
Photo by WORKSITE Ltd. on Unsplash

Biden plan to end U.S. fossil fuel subsidies faces big challenges

President-elect Joe Biden's promise to end U.S. fossil fuel subsidies worth billions of dollars a year for drillers and miners could be hard to keep due to resistance from lawmakers in a narrowly divided Congress, including from within his own party.