rebecca solnit

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Leonard Leo’s group criticizes efforts to educate judges on climate issues
UN food agency criticized for not revising livestock emissions report
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Wildfires make it harder for forests to regrow as replanting faces major hurdles
climate doomers rebecca solnit
Photo by Markus Spiske on Unsplash

Rebecca Solnit: We can’t afford to be climate doomers

It often seems that people are searching harder for evidence we’re defeated than that we can win.

rebecca solnit climate opinion

Rebecca Solnit: How to meet the climate crisis? Redefine ‘abundance’

People assume that adjusting to climate change means giving up stuff we want. But what if it means giving up things we’re well rid of?
climate fossil fuels deaths Rebecca Solnit

Rebecca Solnit: Fossil fuels kill more people than Covid. Why are we so blind to the harms of oil and gas?

If fossil fuel use and impact had suddenly appeared overnight, their catastrophic poisonousness and destructiveness would be obvious.

millennials babies climate impacts
Photo by Jill Sauve on Unsplash

The millennials not having babies because of climate change

A generation facing an intractable problem debates whether to bring a new generation into the world.
Rebecca Solnit: Big oil coined ‘carbon footprints’ to blame us for their greed. Keep them on the hook
Photo by George Evans on Unsplash

Rebecca Solnit: Big oil coined ‘carbon footprints’ to blame us for their greed. Keep them on the hook

Climate-conscious individual choices are good – but not nearly enough to save the planet. More than personal virtue, we need collective action.

rebecca solnit opinion climate

Rebecca Solnit: Our climate change turning point is right here, right now

People are dying. Aquatic animals are baking in their shells. Fruit is being cooked on the tree. It's time to act.

Rebecca Solnit: The old made our climate mess. And the young will get us out of it

Rebecca Solnit: The old made our climate mess. And the young will get us out of it

There have been farsighted altruistic people in every generation, but there are signs of a wider evolution of imagination that is taking place among the young.