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U.S. Steel Pennsylvania pollution
Protest sign that says Keep the frack out of my water
ANWR energy development debate
Degrowth's challenge lies in overcoming political and global resistance
texas appellate court maneuvers

Texas’ new appellate court raises concerns for environmentalists

Texas Governor Greg Abbott's recent creation of the 15th Court of Appeals, a body seen as favorable to business interests, has sparked fears among environmental advocates who believe it undermines regulatory oversight.

Jim Morris, Leah Clark and Manuela Silva report for Public Health Watch.

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scotus & chevron doctrine
Credit: Matt Wade/Flickr

​Chevron deference may face changes but not complete repeal by the Supreme Court

The Supreme Court is poised to decide on the future of Chevron deference, a key doctrine for federal agencies, with potential significant changes expected instead of a full repeal.

Pamela King reports for E&E News.

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supreme court

Industries lobby Supreme Court to limit government regulation

Various industries are urging the Supreme Court to restrict federal agencies' power to enforce regulations, potentially reshaping legal defenses for government rules.

Pamela King reports for E&E News.

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pipeline repair

Regulation has begun for hundreds of thousands of gas pipelines after decades of industry resistance

Inside Climate News reporter Craig R. McCoy writes that federal safety officials are finally starting to regulate a huge part of the nation’s pipeline system. Many are bigger, riskier "gathering lines" that transport gas from drilling sites.

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gas pipelines

The Biden administration has begun regulating 400,000 miles of gas ‘gathering lines.’ The industry isn’t happy

After decades of industry resistance, federal safety officials are finally starting to regulate a huge part of the nation’s pipeline system.

colorado lawn mower bank ozone

Colorado may be backing off lawn mower ban to fight ozone

A proposed ban on the sale of new gas-powered lawn equipment in the Denver metro area may be off the table after state health department staff recommended an alternate proposal that merely bars state and local government use of gas machines in summer months.

laurel peltier energy justice
Image by Bruce Emmerling from Pixabay

Laurel Peltier took on multi-million dollar private energy companies scamming Baltimore’s low-income households, one victim at a time

Policymakers hoped deregulated energy markets would lower utility bills through open competition. Energy advocates found the opposite: retail energy companies are fleecing low-income communities of color in cities like Baltimore.